








If my neighbor were an independent country, they would be considered developed. He earns about $35,000 a year, a level of per capita income that is the main measure of a developed country. He is highly educated, comes from a well-educated family, has left him a good legacy and all the hard and fast things. So it was not difficult for him to earn so much every year that he could easily become middle class.


It does not take much effort to build a small country into a developed country. Relying on the superior geographical conditions and the Straits of Malacca, Singapore can make millions of citizens prosperous in industry and life. With the help of the gaming industry, Macao SAR can become the world's highest per capita GDP economy. Just like my neighbor, he just needs to get a good IT job to make a good living.


But the problem is that replicating this condition to a large, populous country with a huge hinterland and many ethnic groups, with hundreds of millions of people living far from the ocean or resource-rich cities, makes a big difference.


People are often infatuated with tiny countries like Singapore or Liechtenstein, where people are rich, healthy and free, and cities are bustling and cosmopolitan, but in fact, it's not that hard to build a Singapore. In my own country, India, Mumbai's GDP is comparable to Singapore's. If the local government in Mumbai did not use its revenues to finance other poor parts of the country, it could build better infrastructure and implement more sophisticated welfare policies. Turning a city with a good port on a major trade route into a rich country would be easy. It's easy to heat a glass of water, but it's impossible to heat a spring.


The complication was how to turn a remote and impoverished land 1,000 kilometers from the port into a developed place, a place with no rivers, no mineral deposits, mountains, rugged roads, and very limited energy and education resources that everyone wanted to escape from. It will take a long time and a lot of resources, and that is the challenge that a continental country like India will face in the future. If it takes a man of Lee Kuan Yew's brilliance to turn a city of 5 million people into a developed nation, it takes 300 leaders of that caliber to turn a country of 1.4 billion people into a developed nation, and India doesn't have that many.


If you think Singapore is too small to be compared to India, let's go back to Japan. People often say that Japan is a small country, but in fact, it is not small in any dimension, be it geographical area, population size or economic size. So why was it able to recover after World War II and achieve an economic Renaissance that even surpassed the Soviet Union as the world's second largest economy? In my opinion, there are the following reasons:


First, before the Second World War, Japan had a considerable industrial base, it entrenched in northeast China and Korea, plundered a large number of resources and manpower for domestic economic development services, even after the war, its domestic mines, steel plants, railways, power plants, etc., have not been completely destroyed;




Second, influenced by the outbreak of the Cold War, Japanese chaebol were not completely liquidated and deprived, which constituted a strong pillar of Japan's economic development.


Third. Under the influence of "hot spots" such as the Korean War and Vietnam War, Japan became the "home front" of the United States in Asia. A large number of military procurement, daily necessities procurement, and even the "holiday consumption" (including "sex consumption") of the United States troops gave Japan the opportunity to earn a large amount of foreign exchange.


Fourth, Japan has long taken advantage of favorable economic and trade opportunities to dump cars and other industrial products into the United States; It also imported a large number of American patents to produce high value-added goods, and obtained a long-term and large "surplus". After the Plaza Accord, this "surplus" was forcibly terminated by the United States, taking advantage of the weakness of pro-American groups in Japan.


The US military presence and the nuclear umbrella policy. While the move has largely neutered Japan's military, it has kept its military spending so low (less than 1%) that it has been able to focus on construction and production.


So what is the difference between India and Japan?


The first is that indians are generally psychologically unhealthy and unsound. There is too much crab mentality in India. They always belittle successful people and hate the rich class. They prefer to stay in shacks rather than work hard. The rich despise the poor and would rather spend lavishly than give nothing. Jealousy and showing off are their primary emotions. Hypocrisy, conservatism, glorified mediocrity and formalism are all pervasive in Indian officialdom, not to mention the common man.


The divisions in India are too great and the society is deeply divided. China, Japan and South Korea have been homogenous countries for most of their history, which gives them a feeling and cohesion of solidarity and cooperation. People in these countries generally have a desire to build their countries into the most powerful countries in the world, because they believe that without their motherland, they are nothing. In India, apart from being Indian, a person can be malasar, Kannada, Tamil, Derhit, Assam or Rajasthani. They are different from each other in customs, language and often conflict or even antagonism, so too many can spoil the boat in India.


Illiteracy is high and voters are highly irresponsible. They will only vote for candidates belong to their tribe or caste, or to change back to 2000 rupees, beverage or feed cows weeds can also arouse the enthusiasm of them, in their eyes, the value of democracy is 2000 rupees, or even lower in some cases, India doesn't suitable for democracy, caste system in Indian society is a bottomless ravine. The phenomenon of forming alliances between politicians and favoring each other is constantly prohibited, which is one of the reasons why our politicians are highly corrupt.




The business environment is poor and the market is in urgent need of development. India is on the verge of becoming the world's most youthful and unskilled country, yet its vast workforce is unskilled and the government rarely offers help. Local government politicians blatantly demand bribes, and foreign businessmen have to stand by to avoid problems and further delays. The so called human rights groups often exploit India for their own gain and keep capital away from India. Money does not grow from the ground. If no one does business, how can people get jobs and the economy grow?


The phenomenal tendency of Indians to laziness is extremely severe. China was way behind us in the 50's and 60's, the level of development after the Korean War was only on par with sub-Saharan Africa, and Japan went through world War II and the punishment of nuclear explosion and they still stood up, what's the problem? Although the government is to blame, Indian inertia is also largely to blame.


If India really wants to achieve sound economic growth and a stable development environment, China's "common prosperity" policy may provide a lesson.



