








The root cause is the short-sighted policy and cowardly attitude of political leaders. In addition, there are other factors that jointly lead to this result.


According to the post-war report, the following are the reasons for India's failure in the Sino Indian War:


1. Weak leadership: the country's political leadership is too weak and inefficient.


Jawaharlal Nehru is an excellent manager, but he has no strategy in protecting the country from external threats. The failure of the China India war and the Kashmir issue are the best examples.

贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁(Jawaharlal Nehru)是一位优秀的管理者,但在保护国家免受外部威胁方面却毫无谋略,中印战争的失败和克什米尔问题就是最好的例子。

2. Poor logistical support: it is generally believed that the Indian army ran out of food, artillery and ammunition supplies during the war.


In 1961, Nehru appointed lieutenant general B.M. Kaul as army chief of staff. General Kaul believed that China would not retaliate when India sent patrols to areas disputed with China. However, when the Indian army was lazy, the Chinese slowly began to surround Indian positions.


On October 12, when Nehru announced that he had ordered the Indian army to drive the Chinese out of NEFA, the Indian army was unprepared, poorly equipped and even without suitable winter clothes, and was finally defeated.


3. Restrictions on the use of the Indian Air Force (IAF): the Indian leadership restricted the air force (IAF) from attacking the Chinese army. The Indian Air Force was stronger than China at that time. India could have achieved a certain degree of advantage, but this decision was stupid.


4. Mistakes and dereliction of duty by senior military and front-line commanders:


According to the post-war report prepared by the Commission to investigate the main reasons for India's disastrous defeat in China, the military leadership should also be responsible for the defeat. The then army chief of staff and the chief of general staff were listed as "guilty" in the report, and they were accused of playing down the threat and situation for a long time.


5. Ignore the information provided by general solat: General solat of the Indian army prepared a report and submitted a report to the Ministry of the interior, warning the political leadership that China will fight back in the face of Indian provocation, but the military and Nehru cabinet took it lightly.


As early as August, China began to accumulate weapons, ammunition and rations. There are signs that they are preparing for war. However, the arrogant Indian military and leadership turned a blind eye to all this.


If the recommendations in the warning were implemented in time, food and necessary supplies were provided to the army, the air force was ordered to take comprehensive action, Nehru and Menon leaders took practical methods, and the commander began a transparent dialogue with the soldiers, a large number of casualties and large-scale failures could have been avoided.


The political and military leadership misread China's foreign policy, ignored the preparation of the Indian army and made irreparable mistakes, which made India suffer a humiliating defeat in the China India war in 1962. However, the only outstanding thing is the steely will and cold courage of the soldiers, which is meaningless, They fought the wrong war with the wrong opponent under the wrong leadership.




The direct reason for the failure of the war was Nehru, and even the top Chinese leaders could not understand why he initiated disputes, created contradictions, and then triggered the war.


He released false news and wanted to kidnap domestic public opinion. In the end, he was kidnapped by false news.


China offered to settle the dispute through peaceful negotiations, but he ordered the army to march towards China and refused any negotiations.


At first, he said non violence and non cooperation, which forced the Chinese army to try to avoid hurting Indian soldiers in the conflict.


But then he authorized the Indian army to shoot the Chinese in order to expel them faster.


As the Indian army gradually deepened, they crossed the McMahon line, which is the northern part of Indian territory and the place where the Chinese were shot.


China believes that Nehru launched aggression and that not accepting negotiations means unconditional surrender.


So the war broke out.


Compared with Chinese revolutionaries, the strategy of the Indian leadership is not an opponent at all. China once persuaded Nehru that Communist China was not India's enemy, and then recovered aksaichin and other border territories. In the window period of the Cuban missile crisis, the United States and the Soviet Union had no time to take care of it, and they successfully taught India a lesson.


Political intervention in the army - the then defense minister v k Menon violently intervened in the army's combat affairs, and Prime Minister Nehru once voiced his support. Therefore, general timaya, India's most capable Army General at that time, had to resign in 1959.


Incompetent Army leaders and field commanders - the same Indian army, which won many important battles in World War II, but the departure of British officers after independence promoted many incompetent officers to higher positions.


Despite all the political and logistical problems, it is still difficult to understand why the Indian air force is not used. India should have used its air force better than the Chinese air force.


Ignore India's defense - independent India ignores India's defense because India has other priorities. Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the Indian army is affected, and the Indian army is unable to resist China's actions in the eastern region. But the war of 1962 proved to be a wake-up call. When Pakistan attacked India in 1962 and 1971, the Indian army was fully prepared.


The war of 1962 will always be the lowest point in Indian history. Despite the long lost war, the memory of the war is still fresh in India's memory. The war has created the India we see today.


The defeat in 1962 marked the end of the Nehru Era. Nehru could never recover from his failure against China. After all, at the moment when the western world opposed Communist China, the Chinese threw his Hindi slogan of "defeat China" into the dustbin. The war also exposed the Indian Communist Party that supported China at the expense of its motherland India in 1962.




悬空寺旅游攻略 (悬空寺观后感)悬空寺旅游攻略 (悬空寺观后感)